Saturday, October 11, 2008

...OxFoRd DaY.................

Today was Oxfor Day at Telefonica's building... it was a great seminary; "Prescribe Stories: magic the medicine for the mind"...
It was very interesting, there were two argentian's that gave speeches. The woman was focus on neuroscience.She talked how the brain works: left hemisphere for logical and right hemisphere for emotions, but the brain needs to be balanced....
She said that schools always emphasizes the brain hemisphere although it is proved that the right one understand over a 500% faster than the left one.
She also said that when you exercise your brain finds the balance needed to be open to work or to learn properly, so If you are in your office seating boring infront of a computer your brain isn't working in a balanced way, but if you are in your office making a phone call and you walk from one side of the room to another, your brain is working in a balanced way.... interesting... isn't???
It was also said that reading makes your brain use both hemispheres... when you read you use the left one because there is grammar but at the same time you use imagination an it is there when you use the right one...... so if you have a math test... you should read a fairy tale before going to give a test....your brain will be balance in a good mood to learn in a better way....
Emotions were made to be out of our bodies... when you "eat up" emotions the emotion has to find a place in your body and be hidden there ..... and when you have eaten up so many emotions your body doesn't have enough room for more emotions.... and it is here when your body explotes through depression or another disease......Reading helps you to bring up your emotions and balances your brain.....
so before any activity you need to be aware and paying attention.... read something... your brain will be pleased!!!
Mr Litman... visit
and go to the video which says exercise-brain rule # 1
you'll love it!!!

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