Tuesday, July 15, 2008

...Schools and Videocameras....

I forgot exacticly when was this... I now it was in may.... but we went down to the computer lab and we surfed on http://www.latercera.cl/. The idea was to read an article about video cameras in school to let parents know what their kids do while they are studying....

I think this is too much....... I mean ... as parents we want to prevent bad experiences , bad things , fights, among other things , but we are not letting our children to live life.......

We can ask them if they have a problem at school or if they didn´t , but they also need privacy.... They need to face things by themselves...... It is not normal being controlled the during the whole day..... children need experiences to ripe.... if they do not live life how are they going to learn about life............

I think we are becoming more and more fearful.... we want to have our belove ones inside a bubble.... and that doesn´t help them to face reality.......

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