Tuesday, November 11, 2008

... BoOkS...

... Last presentation was about course books and how some teachers abuse of them!!!

The course book must be a guidence not a bible......

I think that books are necesary for children... but we need them to love books.. not to hate them!!

When teachers abuse books children notice that the teacher is unable to give a class without the text... they realized that the teacher is not good or creative enough.. and of course children get bored....

We must encourage children to love books, to know how to use them ... because books provide structure, are reliable and provide confidence to children...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Stress at the end of the year................ something that affects us all!!!

Through my teaching practice I could face stress.... Students are not the same after "Fiestas Patrias"... they look tired... they arrive later....their faces look different...and you know that they are tired!!!

Teachers suffer from stress also!! and we have to work with the stress students...and that can be a problem if we do not know how to manage stress!!!

Nicole gave a useful presentation about how to cope with stress... she also gave us some tips, like do not take school issues to home!!!

We need to learn how to put aside work from home...

If you are stress as a teacher .. you will stress your students... and class will be stressing... and will be AWFUL... so we better learn how to deal with the end of the year!!!

FeMiCiDe Is NoT fAsHiOnAbLe.....

Kathy´s presentation was about femicide and how society sees it as a normal thing... well not as normal but is being accepted... is not as shocking as it used to be....

She also commented about a brand of jeans that uses images of hurted women.... and how they sell a product using femicide....

I do not know why women do not ask for help when they suffer from abuse.... I cannot image how afraid they are that they prefer to be hited than going to the police.....

This topic is very delicated... because women are suffering in all kind of social classes.... and the abuse can end in femicide.....

I think that schools should teach children to respect each other ... talk to parents and teach them how important are each member of the family ....

I don`t know... what else to say........

Saturday, November 1, 2008


.... and halloween came... we organized a nice party for the kids....

we played games.... we acted... made a barbecue... it was a lovely evening!!!