Friday, September 26, 2008


... Today I attended an interesting seminary about TIC'S and its impact in Chilean's Education. This seminary took place at Finis Terrae University....

The seminary was great for me , because my thesis is about TIC'S and its impact in the development of reading and speaking abilities in the English class.

The speeches I heard were very interesting and useful....
The people that gave the speeches were the following:
* Hugo Martinez Alvarado --> Director of EducarChile website.
* Sayde Barcelata Montaut--> Director of Anáhuac (virtual university) and also President of Aula24horas International.
* Nick Perkins --> Teacher Development Unit Coordinator Pearson Longman Colombia.
* Pablo Aguayo and Andrès Muñoz--> Teachers of Dunlastair's School.

The teachers of Dunalastair told the audience that the whole school has incorporated TIC's ; the school has a datashow per classroom and the school provided a laptop to every teacher.
Pablo Aguayo went to Australia to get trained in the use of smartboards.
This is the only school in Chile that uses TIC`s at this level...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

...PrOjEcT zErO......

... and the day came.....

Last class I had to present an oral presentation and debate about project zero....

We did not find enough information about the methodology of this project, but we found out that children remember the 20% of what they were taught during their schooling years!!!! Project Zero has been applied in other countries with an amazing result..... In Chile some private schools are training their teachers to work based on this project.

I think the topic was interesting , but there were few people in the class to had have a better debate.....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I could not attend yesterday's class... it was Lukas' National Day's Act... and we had to be at his school at six pm...... so.. I am really sorry... but I had to miss classes...

Friday, September 5, 2008

....YeS.... I aM a GuArDiAn.....

...... Today I answered the Keirsey Poll to determinate my personality... and ........... yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssss .... I am a guardian.... not an angel.. but a guardian...

I was not interested on answering this poll , but I had to.... but when I read the results I shocked!!!! It was my personality what I was reading on the screen of my computer...

But I did not agree at all about what it said about the kind of job I should have....... but ... wait a minute..... I studied public administration for four years... so If a take that as a reference I can say that being a principal of a school... does not sound crazy at all!!!!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

...CaN aNyOnE bE a TeAcHeR????...

.... Last class we disscussed about what characteristics a teacher should have and which of them were a must.... like respect , to be at the same level as a student (meaning not acting like Gods), among other characteristics..... It was an interesting topic... but I think that we disscussed too little... I think that these kind of topics are very "formative" and necessary for our human development.....

Well then some of my classmates presented a topic to debate about.
They talked about a programme call "maestros de maestros" . This programme consists in outstanding teachers teaching other teachers from their experiences.
This programme has a lot of success but it does not exist for teachers of english....
Then came the debate which was about teachers improving their knowledge for a better level of teaching.....
The debate was interesting... I participated a lot... I think that to improve education the country or the government must look up to teachers and see education as an investment instead as a spend..... otherwise this will be an endless story...